Facial Contouring with No Downtime 

Did you know it’s possible to get tighter, more youthful-looking facial skin without the surgery and recovery time of a facelift? FaceTite by InMode is a revolutionary, non-surgical procedure that uses radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to achieve remarkable results. The treatment works by using radiofrequency heat energy to dislodge fat cells, causing the skin to tighten and allowing new collagen to be produced at a much faster rate.

What is Facial Contouring with FaceTite? 

FaceTite is an innovative, minimally-invasive procedure that gently suctions out fatty tissues in the face using RFAL technology (radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis). Radiofrequency energy is emitted from a probe on the FaceTite device, and this melts the fat cells. A separate tube is used to suction out the liquified fat. 

At the same time, the radiofrequency energy treatment deeply stimulates the production of collagen, the basic building block your body uses to rebuild firm, healthy, and radiant skin. 

These combined effects contour and sculpt your facial features and tighten your skin to achieve a more refined, youthful appearance. 

Why FaceTite is Effective

Part of the body’s natural aging process is the slowing down of collagen and elastin production within the epidermis. This leads to obvious wrinkles, lines, and creases, as well as loose skin around the neck, jowls, and chin. FaceTite facial contouring in Houston has the unique ability to dissolve fat and tighten the skin at the same time, making it the most powerful minimally invasive face tightening procedure. 

Candidates for FaceTite

If you’re in the Houston area and you’re considering FaceTite facial contouring, you may be an excellent candidate. FaceTite is generally used to treat smaller, more delicate areas such as the lines that form around the mouth and below the eyes, in addition to the loose skin on the chin and neck region.

This procedure is best for those who:

  • Are experiencing early signs of aging but aren’t ready for a surgical facelift
  • Want a boost in collagen production
  • Want a subtle result that looks better and better over time
  • Have realistic expectations for what FaceTite can accomplish


How much does a Houston facial contouring treatment with FaceTite cost?

The cost of your FaceTite treatment will depend on the condition of your specific skin and the size of the treatment area. During your consultation, Dr. Mentz will discuss your aesthetic goals and create a treatment plan before explaining the cost of your treatment.

What’s better — FaceTite or a facelift?

In terms of the most long-lasting results, a traditional surgical facelift is one of the very best long-term procedures for facial rejuvenation. However, FaceTite provides impressive results for patients who are interested in achieving firmer skin without surgery.

What Areas can be Treated?

  • Eyes
  • Neck
  • Mouth
  • Cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Jawline
  • Brow
  • Nasolabial folds

FaceTite Treatment Details

FaceTite is usually performed under local anesthesia or with IV sedation. Before treatment, your face will be marked to help guide your specialist. Very tiny incisions will be made in specific areas of the face (typically these areas include in front of the ear, behind the earlobe, and under the chin) and you will be given anesthesia using injections. Cooling gel may also be used to keep you comfortable. Once you’re properly numb, treatment will begin. A cannula will be used to make entrance points for the handheld FaceTite device. This device delivers the radiofrequency energy with two probes. One goes underneath the skin, and one goes on top of the skin. The probes are joined at a handpiece that is connected to the energy source and the computer that controls the system.

(This computer also carefully monitors the heat levels during treatment, and will automatically stop if the temperature becomes too high.)

Energy flows between the two probes and gets the skin up to a specific temperature as the cannula moves easily through the tissues, which causes a disruption of fat cells and skin tightening. Treatment time typically lasts approximately 45 minutes per treated area.


After a FaceTite treatment, you will be given a compression garment to wear. You will need to rest for the remainder of the day, but the majority of patients are able to return to their regular activities the following day, depending on how comfortable you are with your appearance (as bruising, redness, and/or swelling may last for up to three days). Strenuous exercises and activities should be avoided for two weeks after the treatment.


Early results will be visible directly after your FaceTite procedure, and because FaceTite is also a collagen creating treatment, you’ll notice more gradual improvements around 3 to 8 weeks afterward. The entire tightening process lasts for about six months, and your results will be long-lasting if you maintain a stable weight.

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